
Monday, September 13, 2004

A wedding, Grandparents' Day, A birthday

On Saturday I went to a wedding in California. Mommy and Dadddy's friend Darin married a very nice lady named Sylvia. Mommy tells me that there is a little baby growing inside Sylvia. How exciting! The wedding was fun. I played with my cousins. I played with my friend Nikka. I played with people I don't remember.

Yesterday was Grandparents' Day so I had breakfast with Ba-chan and Ji-chan. I gave them a card for the occasion. They liked it. After our meal, we went back to their house and we played for a bit before Mommy, Daddy, and I had to go to the airport to get on a plane. I like planes. I can practically fly one by myself.

Yesterday was also Mommy's birthday. Daddy said Mommy was born in the 20th century. That's OLD! Daddy took Mommy on a date yesterday so I played with Mark and Amy at their house while Mommy and Daddy were gone. Amy also has a baby growing inside her. It's a boy. Boys have cooties. Mark and Amy took me to the park and I swung on the swings and watched people play soccer. When I finally started missing Daddy and Mommy, they came back and we all went home as a family.

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