
Monday, December 06, 2010

I love science!

When I grow up, I want to be a scientist that draws. I practice a lot of art and science. A couple days ago Mommy and I did a sciencey-art project. We grew our own crystals! You don't plant it like a seed. But it does use water.

First, get some pipe cleaners. I used red, pink, and my favoritist blue! Criss-cross them over the middle and twist around to make a snowflake shape. Make a loop in one of the ends of the snowflake. Tie a wire through it. Wrap the wire around a pencil.

Heat up 3 cups of water to a temperature of very, very hot. I think it's 100000000 degrees. Pour it into a container. Put 9 tablespoons of Borax powder into the water. I love measuring cups and measuring spoons. I especially love to level stuff off by running a butter knife across the top. Fun! Where was I? Oh yeah, borax is what Mommy uses to clean things. She puts it everywhere... the laundry, the dishwasher, the hole in the sink that eats everything, the toilet... Maybe I should put it in my room and see if it will clean my room for me....

Stir very carefully ('cause the water might splash and burn you. Ouchie.) the borax until it just about disappears. Some falls to the bottom of the container. Then put the pipe cleaner snowflake in the water. Be sure that it's not touching the container at all. Then wait.

Waiting is hard. That's why I did the project right before bedtime. When I woke up, it was ready!

How do the crystals stick to the pipe cleaners?

They look like sparkly boxes. So pretty!

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