
Thursday, October 23, 2008

Guess my _iddle

Sometimes Mommy and Daddy don't know what I'm saying. I say one thing and they hear another. Daddy also mumbles something about a "Three's Company misunderstanding."

So the other day, I came up with a great game. I come up with a lot of games. All of them are super duper. This time I decide to let Mommy and Daddy play.

me: Hey, wanny play a game?!

Daddy: Sure!

Mommy: I wanna play too! Just give me a minute to finish up in the kitchen. (I have no idea what Mommy is doing. I can tell you she is definitely NOT making cookies.)

Daddy: Okay, Yoshi, let's start and Mommy can join later.

Me: Okay! This is called, "Guess my wih-dul."

Daddy: Guess my what?

Me: Guess my wih-dul!

Daddy: Widdle?

Me: No! Not, Widdle. Wih-dul!

Daddy: Letter?

Me: Wih-dul!

Mommy: Little? Guess my little?

Me: NO!!!! GUESS MY WIH-DUL! (I'm really getting annoyed with them)

Daddy: Riddle?! Is it Riddle!

Me: Yes!!!! Guess my Riddle!!

Mommy and Daddy together: Ohhhhh.... Guess my riddle!

Okay, so I have some trouble with my "R" sounds. I'm working on it.

Anyway, we play the game and have a great time.

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