
Tuesday, January 25, 2005

Words I know

These are the words I know how to say:
1. up
2. Mama
3. Dada
4. open
5. hi
6. ducky
7. dog
8. bye-bye
9. ball
10. wahhh!!
11. goo-gee

These are the words I know how to sign:
1. milk
2. more
3. diaper change
4. sleep
5. pacifier
6. water
7. all done
8. chicken
9. bread
10. up
11. brush teeth
12. bath
13. banana
14. apple
15. yogurt
16. shoes
17. where
18. please
19. help
20. O's (cheerios)
21. book
22. yes
23. no
24. meat
25. butterfly
26. dog
27. eat
28. hungry
29. spaghetti
30. music/dance
31. hurt/pain
32. bubbles
33. cookies
34. phone
35. gesundheit
36. fish
37. socks
38. pizza
39. car

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