
Friday, February 29, 2008

My Story: The Squirrel-Cat That Ate Nuts (and never got smaller)

Until one day I’ll tell you a story.

Once upon a time there was a cat that ate nuts and never got smaller but his friend cats got smaller when they ate nuts.

And then one day there was a person and said, “Come here cat, I want to feed you some nuts.” And the cat just ran away.

But that one cat loved, loved to eat nuts. He didn’t know what to what.

Until one day he was taking a plant of plants and his mother was mad. But I telled my mother, “But that’s okay” and she said, “I’m not mad anymore.”

Until one day that cat ate seeds.

And the birds said, “What are you eating our nuts?” The cat just keep eating and didn’t answer the question.

But behind a tomato plant that one tail sticking out long and never had be good.

Until one day that one cat had been outside of the window and I wanted to feed him nuts. And then I opened the window but I didn’t know that window had a rip. So one day I sighed to myself, “Sigh.” And then, the time passed when I wanted to go. So I sighed again. And I couldn’t see my foot was broken and it was the end of the week that I had to feed.

So one day my mother sighed to herself, “I got to feed that one cat that eats nuts. Sigh”
Until one day she found the cat and inside the house.

But then I dropped a few more nuts. He took a big bite and he had two. He said to the bird, “I’m you’re friend but very nice.”

The cat can turned into a squirrel. That one squirrel took one big bite. “Keep eating!”
But by the time he left, there were two peanuts.

And that was the end of that squirrel-cat. He ate so much that he died and never came back.

Until he came alive again.

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